Sunday, October 9, 2016

DOWNLOAD Abatuar - Perversiones de Muerte Putrefacta (2017) [320 MP3 320 kbit/s] rar zip


Abatuar - Perversiones de Muerte Putrefacta is one of the best albums, released in 2017. The genre of the album is not surprising - Black metal, Death metal, The best audio rip (CD and Vinyl) is in MP3 320 kbit/s and you can download it as RAR or ZIP file format. The album is recorded in Panama and the lyrics language is Spanish.

If you like the album and you can purchase it from your country, please visit the official website of the band:

List of songs/tracklist included in the album:

List of songs: 01. Los Efectos de la Gangrena y Putrefacción 02. La Noche de los Muertos Vivientes 03. La Bestia, el Monje, el Cura y el Loco 04. Decapitación Letrinal 05. Relaciones Necrofecales 06. Adoctrinamiento Colectivo Genocida 07. Deidades Sepultadas Con Restos Humanos 08. Sacramento Antropofágico 09. Ordalías de Hierro Fundido 10. Descuartiza al Hijo de Puta 11. Acompañados a la Tumba 12. En la Necrópolis del Totalitarismo

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